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Office Guru - Available for Hire
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My Portfolio
Work: Academic Leadership Charter School, 2023-2024
From 2023 to 2024, I was as an IT Associate for the Academic Leadership Charter School.
ALCS (1/5)
Website Re-branding and Upkeep (2/5)
ClassDojo for Teachers (3/5)
Raspberry Pi Coding Club (4/5)
Student Laptops (5/5)
Work: Miller Samuel, Inc., 2018-2023
Up until early 2023, I worked as an Appraisal Services Manager and Office Assistant for Miller Samuel.
Jonathan J. Miller (1/5)
IT Support & Specialty Projects (2/5)
General Office Administration (3/5)
Data Gathering & Report Tracking (4/5)
Inspection Site Work (5/5)
Work: Thinkwell, 2001-2018
For 17 years I was a web and database developer for Thinkwell, an eLearning company based in Austin, Texas. Below are some examples of the work I did for the Thinkwell public website, the Thinkwell content management system, and tools I authored for internal use.
Public Website: The Thinkwell Marketing Shell (1/11)
Public Website: The Checkout Process (2/11)
Public Website: Content Search (3/11)
Public Website: Video Lectures (4/11)
Public Website: Instructor's Guide (5/11)
Public Website: Instructor's Resource Manager (6/11)
Internal CMS: Syllabus Builder (7/11)
Internal CMS: Lecture Health Report (8/11)
Internal Tools: Closed Captioning Generator (9/11)
Internal Tools: Note Builder (10/11)
Internal Tools: GIF to MathML (11/11)
My Passion: 3D Modeling and Printing
Here are some samples of my work.
Autodesk Fusion 360 (1/5)
Laun-Dro-Mask (2/5)
Homemade 3D Scanner (3/5)
Archi-Tech (4/5)
Miniatures (5/5)
Electronics and Coding
Electronics (particularly Arduino) and coding are other fields I have a keen interest in.
Skull Jack (1/4)
Schmiedeler Says (2/4)
RGB LED Color Picker and Diffusion Tester (3/4)
Other Projects and Hobbies
Various other projects and hobbies of mine.
Crosswords (1/4)
Schmurdlebot (2/4)
Woodworking (3/4)
Model Making (4/4)
Previous Work: Texas DSHS and Other Website Work
Here is some contract work and a few additional websites I have done. (1/6)
Jen's Portfolio (2/6)
Texas Family Planning Annual Report (3/6)
FPAR Database Design (4/6)
Text Adventure (Personal Project) (5/6)
Text Adventure Database Design (6/6)